Thursday, July 26, 2012



Frailty - Are you looking for video Frailty? You comes at the right place. We provide a review about Frailty to help you choose video at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here.


other Customer Rating: Frailty
Price : $3.99
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Yes! Finally, it is here on DVD! I could not wait to purchase it!

"Frailty" is a dark and terrifying film that surprised me so many times. Just when I thought I knew what was going on, the next scene would prove me wrong. The complexity and creativeness that went into this film is so mind-blowing. It takes risks, and forces us to ask questions that are better left unanswered.

A series of murders has been contaminating a small town. The case is known as the "God's Hand". The movie starts with McConaughey entering the FBI station, claiming that he knows who the "God's Hand" killer is. With this, he tells his story and we witness shocking flashbacks to when he was a kid.

Paxton, who is also the director, stars as a very religious and loving father. His two sons, (remember, this is all McConaughey's story, so this entire part is the flashback) mean all the world to him. Everything seems perfect, until Paxton awakes his sons, telling him that an angel visited him at night, telling him that there were demons lurking around and they took the form of human-beings. He instructs his sons that they must "destroy" them. (Meaning, "killing.") The oldest son thinks his father has lost it, but he has no idea how far things are about to go. I cannot tell you anymore, otherwise it'll ruin the movie for you. Know this, however, you will be shocked, and you will feel disturbed when it is all said and done.

Bill Paxton does an outstanding job as a first time director. This is the type of movie that really requires talent from famous and acclaimed directors, but Paxton proves to us that not only can he act, but he can direct. Every shot in the movie is very well planned and laid out. He also proves exactly what kinds of emotions he wants his actors to show us. That task, I'm sure, is not a very easy one. The acting was really impressive, and must've been quite a chore to accomplish in this type of film. It is the direction and the acting that makes this movie so unique and chilling.

Yes, this film is very disturbing and very violent. Not in graphic detail; there's hardly any blood or gore. It's just the overall idea and the way the "destruction of the demons" are presented to us. Be warned; this is not for people with weak hearts or stomaches.

This movie still shocked and frightened me, even seeing it for the second time. Even though I knew exactly what was going to happen, I still felt very uneasy and disturbed, as if I were just experiencing it for the first time.

Now, on to the DVD. For it being an independent film, it has some pretty neat features, including commentary, a making of feature, theatrical trailer, and more. The picture and sound quality was also very good.

This movie isn't for everybody, especially if you are the really religous type who get offended easily. This movie IS NOT FOR YOU! Don't even attempt it! If you can handle dark and terrifying thrillers, than chances are you will enjoy this film. All in all, "Frailty" is gut-wrenching, dark and twisted thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end. And even after it's all over, this movie will still be on your mind.

Want to try something fun? Watch this movie really LATE. Right before bedtime. See if you can get a goodnight's sleep after that.



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