Sunday, July 1, 2012



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There are 3 versions of Salt available for viewing, the Theatrical, Extended, and Director's Cuts. They run 1:39:56, 1:40:58, and 1:43:59 respectively (credit to Interzone_Records for the correction). Here are the major differences as compared to the base Theatrical Cut, e.g. Theatrical vs. Extended, and Extended vs. Director's Cut. Note, SPOILERS follow below, so read at your own risk. There are a few major, significant differences between the versions.

The Director's Cut makes the most sense plot-wise, and includes some better character development, in my opinion.

1) Evelyn Salt's opening interrogation scene in North Korea is longer and more brutal. The soldiers force a tube down her throat and subject her to more intense questioning, followed by several kicks to the abdomen.

2) Extended scene of Orlov training little kids who will be future sleeper agents. As the kids finish a race through the woods, Orlov asks which kid was first, and which was last, whipping the last kid with a riding crop.

3) Abduction of Michael (Salt's husband) by Orlov's thugs is shown.

4) Additional scene where Michael tells Salt about a new species of spider that he has discovered.

5) Childhood scene between Salt and Schnaider at Orlov's training camp.

6) Salt's husband is NOT shot in the Director's Cut; rather, he is slowly drowned and Salt is forced to watch. Michael's death is much more harrowing in the Director's Cut.

7) Salt kills Orlov with a broken bottle, and the stabbing is shown in more detail, rather than off-screen.

8) Salt's rampage through Orlov's freighter HQ is more graphic.

9) Gunfights depict more bullet holes and blood, but nothing overly gory.

10) Winter kills the president in the Director's Cut, whereas in the Theatrical cut, Winter only knocks him unconscious. I always thought the Theatrical cut never made much sense, because the President would easily be able to identify Winter as the traitor.

11) At the end of the movie, there is a voiceover that subtly suggests that the vice president is actually one of Orlov's sleeper agents, setting the stage up for a sequel. This voiceover is not present in the Extended Cut.

1) The changes listed above in the Director's Cut are also done in the Extended Cut, with the exception of the differences below.

2) The President is only knocked unconscious in the Theatrical Cut (and killed in the Director's Cut). In the Extended Cut, Winter attempts to make his way towards the unconscious President, who is being wheeled away on a stretcher, in order to kill him.

3) The biggest difference in the Extended Cut is that Salt doesn't kill Orlov until the end of the movie. So the entire sequence in the Theatrical and Director's Cuts where Salt annihilates Orlov's thugs on the barge is missing.

At the end of the Extended Cut, she is being interrogated by Peabody, where she fakes suicide and is taken to a hospital. She subsequently escapes from the hospital, finds Orlov (back in Russia somewhere), and kills him.



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